Welcome Rio Lindo Students and Families!
At Rio Lindo School, we believe that every child can be a successful learner. We offer a program where students will develop inquiry skills, learn how to access relevant resources and receive individual support to ensure that every student is reaching their highest potential.
Rio Lindo’s teaching and support staff are dedicated to supporting and maintaining a safe and nurturing school environment where students social, emotional and behavioral needs are met. These values will help students become more confident and ready to learn.
Rio Lindo’s teachers are aware of student needs and how to help address student needs in an engaging way that will help all children learn to their highest potential. Staff connect with students, provide instructional routines which reach a variety of learning styles, offer small group and individual support and will ensure that students have access to intervention and special education resources as needed. We do this by offering a variety of engaging activities as well as providing inquiry based lessons which further broadens student’s experiences and connections to adults on campus. Our goal is to expand these experiences so we reach beyond academic success and help all children become well rounded and caring community members.
It is our hope that children have fun at school, develop healthy friendships, actively engage in classroom lessons, develop a curiosity about the world they live in and grow into a confident and caring individuals.
At Rio Lindo School, we welcome and encourage parent involvement. Parents can help with decisions about school spending on our School Site Council (SSC), they can become aware and support our language learners by joining the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC), they can help support a positive school environment by joining our Parent Teachers Association (PTA) or they can participate in one of the many school and afterschool activities that are offered at Rio Lindo.
As we prepare our students to be successful individuals and curious learners, we remind students through our Guidelines of Success about our Rocket Pride: